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Decoding AC protocol with AnalysIR

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 12:51 pm
by yalee104

I'm interested in decoding AC protocols of different model to the level where i'm able to understand the detail of temperature up/down, ventilation mode, etc... the purpose is to be able to dynamically create the code to send instead of sending pre-recorded raw data. I'm new to AnalysIR and i'm not sure how it can help me and how easy it is to archive my intention with this tool. Any help/comment is appreciated. thanks

Re: Decoding AC protocol with AnalysIR

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 11:37 am
by AnalysIR
AnalysIR supports a range of AC protocols and decodes them to the HEX/Binary values.

It is up to the user (you) to complete the reverse engineering of translating the binary values to individual fields.

AnalysIR includes a checksum calculator which can help to quickly identify the type of checksum.

For supported protocols, AnalysIR can automatically clean the signal timings & generate C code to send the signals using IRremote or IRLib.

For our next release we have implemented a feature, which makes the reversse engineering very easy.

I hope that helps - you can download a demo version of AnalysIR from our website

Let me know if you have any more questions.

Re: Decoding AC protocol with AnalysIR

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:03 am
by yalee104

May i ask when can we expect the upcoming release (about reverse engineering that you quote earlier)? thanks

Re: Decoding AC protocol with AnalysIR

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:09 pm
by AnalysIR
I am not sure if you already have a registered copy of AnalysIR?

If you do, we may be able to provide access to a 'dev/test' release within the next few days. Unfortunately, this feature may not be available in the demo version.
The delay is related to other new features we arre working on and not this particular one that you are interested in.