Electra Air Conditioner - Field Definitions

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Electra Air Conditioner - Field Definitions

Post by AnalysIR »

A/C model: Electra
Remote: YKR-M/002E

One of our users has provided the field definitions for the Electra AC protocol as follows:

Electra AC protocol
104 bits, 13 bytes, MSB first!
0 0xc3
1 [7:6] - temperature in C /8 -1 , [5:3] - temperature in C % 8 , [2:0] = 111 ; i.e 17C -> 01001111
2 [7:5] 111 , [4:0] - time, hours in 24h
3 time , minutes
4 [7:6] vent power 001-high 010-med 011-low 101-auto ,[5:0] - 00000
5 0
6 [7:6] Mode : 001-cold 100-hot 110-vent 010 -dehydro 000-?mode ,[5:0] - 00000
7 0
8 0
9 Power: 20 on, 0 off
10 0
11 button pressed :00-up 01-down 04-vent 06-mode 05-power
12 CS : sum of bytes from 0 to 11 modulo 256
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