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automatic decoding syntax

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 2:20 pm
by infraredexplorer
Goal is to decode a Panasonic remote for ceiling lamps. (HK9488 or HK9487)

As there is no suitable preset, I tried to manipulate the AnalyIR.ini to get the data decoded.

Neither changing the existing Panasonic format to different pulse length etc., nor (trying) to build a custom decoding scheme worked.

I plan to refine the custom scheme, but could not work out how to use the automatic decoding syntax.

Any help in understanding the syntax would be greatly appreciated!


Re: automatic decoding syntax

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 11:40 pm
by AnalysIR
Unfortunately, the syntax is not published as of now. However, if you email me a saved session file of a set of signals we will look at adding them in to the ini file.
Some users have figured out how to add basic signals, but this is not supported at this time.