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Arduino Firmware and undemodulated IR receiver

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 8:28 pm
by gantimix
today I quick built on a prototype board an IR receiver using Vishy TSMP58000 in order to see the un-demodulated IR signal.
I used the Vishy PDF suggested datasheet scheme. I am using the AnalysIR firmware for Arduino.

Initially I connected the receiver pin to Arduino PIN 2 (PD2) , and a saw a very bad scrambled signal on AnalysIR. Then I realized that it expects a demodulated signal on PIN 2, and after looking around I had the feeling that modulated original signal have to be connected to PIN 3 (PD3) of arduino. From firmware also seems that PIN3 is set as input for IRQ with modulated signals.

Unfortunately AnalysIR does note receive any data, if the output is on PIN3. I check with oscilloscope and the signal arrive on the PIN3.

- what is the arduino PIN to input a modulated IR signal from a receiver like TSMP58000 ?
- should I set anything special in AnalysIR ?


Re: Arduino Firmware and undemodulated IR receiver

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 11:47 am
by AnalysIR
AnalysIR uses the optional IR Learner on Pin 3 to measure the carrier frequency.

A standard IR receiver is always required on pin 2.

To use a TSMP58000 on its own you would have to write custom firmware (to essentially filter out hte carrier) and then use the existing format to send to AnalysIR.